



  1. 没有耐心,想尽快开始做一些有效率的事情

  2. 在手册和帮助文档中跳读,很少全读

  3. 犯错,但是修复错误的时候学得最多

  4. 自我探索时最有动力

  5. 巨型文档(将每个步骤分解为子步骤的方式)会打消而非鼓励积极性。


1. Choose an action-oriented approach

Heuristic 1.1 Provide an immediate opportunity to act Heuristic 1.2 Encourage and support exploration and innovation Heuristic 1.3 Respect the integrity of the user’s activity

2. Anchor the tool in the task domain

Heuristic 2.1 Select or design instructional activities that are real tasks Heuristic 2.2 The components of the instruction should reflect the task structure

3. Support Error Recognition and Recovery

Heuristic 3.1 Prevent mistakes whenever possible Heuristic 3.2 Provide error information when actions are error prone or when correction is difficult Heuristic 3.3 Provide error information that supports detection, diagnosis, and recovery Heuristic 3.4 Provide on-the-spot error information

4 Support reading to do, study and locate

Heuristic 4.1 Be brief; don’t spell out everything Heuristic 4.2 Provide closure for chapters



更多信息请访问 Hans Van de Meij教授的 MINIMALISM 介绍。